This is me and my brother Carson on his graduation I am so proud of him!...He is an amazing brother! I am so proud of what he has accomplished!!:D,,,i am proud of you noob :D
Oh my goodness!..So I went camping with my family and a family friend this past weekend and we went to this place called Palacades. We were there from friday to sunday and it was a blast anyways we were playing at the beach and i was getting out of the water to go rest on the beach then i went and got a drink out of one of our water bottle that was next to a tree well i started drinking and i saw something green go into my mouth so i spit it out and yelled there is a bug in that water!!...My brother Carson jumped up and was like that was not a bug it was a fish!! i almost swollowed a little Guppy!! brother was like i told you that there was a fish in that water bottle and not to drink out of it and i was like no you did not ha ha it was funny and gross all at the same time!!